Friday, March 09, 2007

Pizza Potato!

I usually decide what to make for dinner without consulting Musty. The main reason for this is that if I ask him what he wants for dinner he will say one of the following three things: "spaghetti!" (*by which he means spaghetti with store-bought red sauce)
"tomato soup!"
"macaroni and cheese!" (not even vegan!)
But, recently he's had some good ideas. It was his idea to have Dirty Rice the other night, and today it was his idea to have baked potatoes. We almost never have baked potatoes, but they sure are yummy. He had Earth Balance and non-vegan sour cream on his (you can see that he is not a health food nut! )... I decided that this would be a tasty chance to use some of the left over calzone filling ingredients I had in the fridge. I put tomato sauce, tofu ricotta, olives, and a green veggie saute mix on my potato. YUMOLA! Dang, pizza potatoes are good!
We also had big salads with dinner, but I won't bore you with another picture... just look at the previous post!


  1. Looks fab--and better yet--easy!

  2. I love potatoes and I love pizza - your pic looks very tasty!

  3. I don't know what sounds better- those veggies in calzone form or in baked potato form! As Homer Simpson might say, I'll take one of each, please. =)

  4. Pizza potato sounds like a fabulous idea--way to go, Musty, for helping come up with that one! I rarely have baked potatoes also, but I recently had a quite tasty one that I actually found to be blogworthy... Next time, it's calzone filling for me!

  5. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I can't remember the last time I made a baked potato but that does look delicious. Maybe I'll give the 'ol spud a try some time soon.

  6. That baked potato looks delish. What an excellent idea for the topping.

  7. Musty may not be a health nut, but at least he eats his salads! I could definitely go for a baked potato right now...loaded with all those yummy toppings. Mmm!

  8. Anonymous6:23 PM

    dang...that's a great looking potato!!

  9. I love creative leftovers! You can't go wrong with pizza and/or potatoes.

    I got my cookbook today and your nice note. Thanks again so much. I love it!

  10. What a great idea! I love potatoes no matter how they are cooked or decorated! I love Earth Balance!! :P I can see this potato and a salad being the perfect dinner! :)

  11. Anonymous11:18 AM

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