Even though we're a few days into November, nobody seems to have told my garden that it's time to slow down. I've been happily harvesting all sorts of delicious bounty lately:

First thing to pick was this year's crop of
Butternut Squash. I think my favorite squash is the kabocha squash, but I've never seen kabocha starts at the garden store, so I stuck with 2nd favorite Mr. Butternut. I've had good luck growing butternuts in the past, and I got a pretty good haul this year too.

Also, it was finally time to harvest my
garlic! I've blogged about my
very sentimental garlic strain before... and after a little scare when I was away from home for 6 weeks this summer and couldn't care for them, I'm glad to say that this year's crop looks great. In fact, I've already pilfered a few heads for culinary needs! Next up, I need to sort through and find the biggest heads of garlic, then find the biggest cloves, and get those in the soil for next year. What fun!

Doggies were investigating the garlic while I was trying to take pictures.

And - most miraculously! - I'm still harvesting amazing
tomatoes. After a very cool summer, our autumn has been quite warm. So, the tomato plants just keep pumping out more and more delicious red orbs. I'm not complaining!

Last but not least, it's
Apple Time! We have a great little apple tree out behind our garage and it makes the most delicious apples. I didn't plant it, so I'm not sure what variety they are. All I know is that they are super yum - great for eating fresh and great for cooking too. Two of those tubs have been peeled, de-icky-bit-ified, sliced and dehydrated. Two more of those tubs are still sitting outside awaiting action.
What does your autumn harvest look like?
Any favorite apple recipes you can suggest?
So jealous! What a great haul! I'm salivating at all of that butternut. :)
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm thoroughly impressed and a bit jealous. Awesome Harvest! I'm just starting, so I hope to have something similar in the years to come.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you going to do with all your garlic? Canning? Drying?
I really love homemade apple butter
ReplyDeleteWow! These are beautiful! I am so jealous of your garden's bountiful harvest!
ReplyDeleteI like the simplicity of these photos. 100% butternut. 100% garlic. 100% tomatoes. 100% apples. Very simple composition & color. So unlike your food photos, but perfectly suited to the individual crops ... and so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteamazing haul, amey! i just picked 5 pounds of figs and preserved them today. in a simple ginger sugar syrup. i didn't use any pectin, and they are a little thinner than i wanted but amazing. come try some!
i tend to eat apples as is or schmeared with almond butter. i think apple hand pies are yummy though, and i bet they might even freeze well!
ReplyDeletekabocha squash is also my favorite squash, with delicata coming in second and butternut for third place. your butternuts look lovely, Amey and make me want to enjoy joanna's butternut squash lasagna from YRR! mmmmm!
it's dropping down into the 30's at night here in rva but our cherry tomatoes are growing strong. glad to see you're still enjoying tomatoes and sweet awesomeness on all the glorious garlic! :D
I know I should comment on your recipes but all I can think of is: I SEE PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to pet your doggies!!! :)
ReplyDeleteMy fall harvest is whatever Farm Fresh to You bring me each week :) Your goods look fantastic!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome bounty! I have one dead mint plant on my fire escape, that's my haul for the season!
ReplyDeleteI love that you're a seasonal chef as well. Cooking seasonally is so rewarding. All the new fruits & veggies are just fresh with taste & scent. I have an apple cobbler recipe that you may like, it was veganized & uses 5 cups of apples. Just use the menu pull down for apples as a category & you'll find it.