These shoes make me feel happy! and sassy!
Omg! Aren't these just the most stylish little bootie boots ever? I love them! These are the vegan Parker boots by JBU (a sub-brand of Jambu). I am stoked to be a brand ambassador for Jambu's line of vegan shoes for women, and I just love how many different vegan shoes styles they are offering. This season, I tried to select a wide range of styles to review. These Parker boots are especially super fun for me, since they are so stylish and cute! I feel like I spend the vast majority of my life in my yoga clothes and then sometimes I want to dress up and feel fancy. In the last few years I've made an effort to get some nicer clothes for those times when I want to feel and look more snazzy.
These Parkers are just perfect for snazzy days! They come in four super classy colors: black, wine, taupe and brown - I had a hard time choosing, I kinda wanted them all! I went with brown though because it seems pretty versatile, but still on the dressy side.
The material on these boots is a nice vegan suede, with a smooth interior. The insoles are memory foam, which means they are cozy and comfortable. The soles have this cute little raised boot heel that makes them look fashionable, but the bottoms of the shoes have a nice sporty traction sole. That'll make them nice when it starts to rain and the ground gets slippery and wet! It also makes them look like dress shoes, but feel like sporty knock-around shoes, which as far as I am concerned, is absolutely awesome. I love not having to trade style for aching feet!
Oh hai. Check out my cute shoes.
I wear a size 9 shoe, and the Parker boots fit true to size for me. Mine fit great barefoot (or with those tiny little not-sock things), and also with a thin pair of socks. They're nicely snug around the foot (not tight), but even with the notch at the ankle, they feel like they stay on well. If you're on the fence (size-wise), or if you like to wear big thick socks, I might advise you to size up a half size. As you can see, they're stylishly narrow. I don't find them uncomfortably narrow, but if you have really wide feet, it will be a consideration.
Now I just have to come up with more ideas for date nights, get invited to more parties, and find more reasons to switch from yoga pants to skinny jeans, and wear my Parkers as often as possible! I love them!!!
so comfy you can even climb up the brick wall and look good doing it!
** COUPON CODE for 20% OFF! **
Use the coupon code VEGANEATS18 for 20% off any purchase at (offer good through 12/31/2018!). Remember that not all the shoes Jambu makes are vegan, so make sure you are looking around in the vegan shoes section of their site. Let me know if you get any, so we can be Jambu twinsies!
I have already reviewed the Jambu Spirit Vegan Slip-ons this season, and I'll have two more reviews coming soon... stay posted!

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