Friday, January 20, 2012

Wonderful Fruit Tea of Austria!

One thing I've really been enjoying here in Austria are the many delicious fruit "teas" available here. I've never been a tea drinker, despite multiple attempts to appreciate it... But i am really grooving on the fruity concoctions here. Usually it's some sort of wild berry flavor, or a fruity rose hip tea. They're warm and light and I am a real fan.

Of all the fruchtetee I've had though, none can compare to this marvelous cup of tea that I had. A couple of days back, we had one afternoon off from the lessons, which was a welcome break. A friend and I walked for about an hour through the snowy valley to another nearby village. We cruised around town, which didn't take too long, checked out the beautiful little local church on top of a hill, had a great time meandering though the grocery store (more on that later!), and finished it off with a wonderful cup of tea. This fruit tea was so mind-blowing, the tea baggie was full of big strips of orange peel and other unknown fruity bits. The tea was so deliciously aromatic and equally deliciously tasty. I couldnt figure out what brand it was, so I was forced to surrender and enjoy the moment. Which I did!

Also, that soy yogurt was totally RAD. I wish we could get this one at home. Loved the flavor, loved the texture... Yums

Here are a couple of pictures from our walk back home. It was soooooo beautiful:


  1. I love Waldfruchttee the best! :D My friends from Germany always bring me some when they come visit me!

  2. Sounds wonderful!


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