Friday, September 04, 2015

VeganMoFo Day4: My Soda-Drinking Affliction

Today's MoFo Prompt: "Tell us about a weird food combo that you love"

You know, I tried and tried to think of a weird food combo that I love, and I just came up completely blank. When I was little my dad used to eat each bite of his banana with a dab of peanut butter AND a dab of mayonaisse. FOR REALZ. So, I guess, maybe my dad set the "weird food combo" so darn high with that one that he's just got me beat.

There is one thing though, that Mr Vegan Eats & Treats frequently ridicules me for - the weird way I drink a soda from a can out of the side of my mouth, instead of straight in front of me like normal people. He says this counts as a "weird food combo" "because it combines a food and a weirdo." Ha ha. 

daddy on the cornetto            ~              me with the soda pop

My whole life, at least as long as I can remember, my father has played a somewhat obscure Baroque musical instrument called the cornetto, and it is played laterally off to the side... I sometimes wonder if that has something to do with why I drink my sodas out of the side of my mouth. 

Today, we made videos, so you can see the truth of the situation for yourself: 

Here is a video of Mr VE&T "lovingly" imitating the way I drink soda from a can.

Here is my rebuttal! 


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Hahaha... in Mr VE&T's defense, you do make it look easy ;)
    I've heard of these mayo/peanut/banana eaters -in my books, totally weird! I also still think potato chips in sandwiches is weird too.

  2. Ha, ha!! You are so funny! I love the video feature, and you do make a good point about one's nose getting in the way. Perhaps you're the one who has been drinking it correctly all along. :)

  3. Hahaha this is just so amazing. I have never considered how I drink from cans. Ill have to take note next time.

  4. You are adorable!! 😂

  5. You are both totally adorable. I wanna hug you both! :)

  6. Lol! You are, at heart, a problem solver! I Love the videos and the "weird combo" totally works!

    Zsu @ Zsu's Vegan Pantry

  7. This is great; the videos totally make me laugh! I think it's so funny when my hubby or my brother imitate one of my habits to mock it.

    Seriously though, I think you definitely have something there with your soda-drinking technique. Who knows, maybe it will catch on...and the people who drink soda the conventional way will be mocked. :P

  8. Hahah this actually made me laugh out loud! Y'all are too funny :)

  9. Oh wow this definitely wins for my favorite post of the night! Your videos were so funny; thanks for the laughs! :D

  10. Amey, I think this is the funniest blog post I have ever read! Between your dad's mayo banana thing and you guys being silly with the sodas, I think you just won this year's MoFo! :)

  11. The rebuttal just cracked me up. Really cute.

  12. The rebuttal just cracked me up. Really cute.

  13. Haha! I do this too! Thank you for paving the way for side-of-the-mouth drinking in the mainstream ;) My Hero!

  14. Thanks for the great post. I needed a good laugh this morning!

  15. That's so funny! =)

  16. I watched this yesterday on my phone, but had to watch it again today on my computer. Love it!

  17. Ha! Love this! On a side note, my boyfriend's mum used to dip bananas in sugar for he and his siblings. Perhaps kind of defeating the purpose of eating fruit...

  18. I love your inspiration of weird food combo! you're so cute. I have not drunk anything in a can for such a long time that I don't even remember how to drink from it. I always thought the whole process of drinking from a can was weird, no matter how.

  19. oh amey, you are just the cutest. <3

  20. Haha this is too funny! My weird food combo is that I LOVE to dip french fries in mashed potatoes :-P


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